Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Avery's Potty Party

Well I couldn't postpone it much longer.  Avery was showing clear signs of being ready for the big train.  She was asking to use the potty, sitting on Rudy's regularly, and letting me know when she needed her diaper changed. 
At the beginning of November, I geared up for another potty party!
prizes packed...
potty chart made...
bathroom decorated...
füll tray of an assortment of drinks...
I didn't have to worry about a "Scotty go Potty" or "Potty Patty" for little miss because she already had the concept down… so overall, the day was much easier on me!

Look at that BIG GIRL in her big girl underpants! 
(and sporting one of her favorite prizes from using the potty!)
And her other favorite.. her "noman hat"!
Pure sass.
Unfortunately the results weren't as great as Rudy's.  Definitely not Avery's fault, though.  She did amazing when we were focusing on the potty 100%.  She had several successes!  But as soon as I let my guard down or she got busy playing, she'd have an accident.  I couldn't devote as much time to letting her figure it out, either.  Whereas with Rudy we stayed home for a few days - Avery didn't have that luxury.  We had to get Rudy to and from school and grocery shopping, etc.  And having two other kids in the house didn't make it any better, either.  I couldn't always give her my immediate attention when she needed to go potty.  We ended up ditching diapers entirely, but still relying on pull-ups pretty heavily.  She was not even two yet and considering our current situation, I felt more than fine with the slower transition!

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