Sunday, November 3, 2013

Paint, Paint, and More Paint

Rudy's favorite at home activity lately is painting.  He gets so excited when we suggest it, and now he knows where the paints are and often insists on getting them out.  I don't mind really.  It keeps him entertained, contained, and I love what he creates :)  The mess is an easy wipe-down... gotta love washable paint that is actually washable!  

Gran came over recently with a project idea and her and Rudy were hard at work completing it for awhile.  They collected leaves from our yard (and both neighbor's yards) and brought them inside.  They broke out all the paint colors and painted the leaves, then "stamped" them on a canvas.  Rudy was so impressed when they would lift up a leaf and see the imprint.  "Woooow!" he'd say.  Of course they had to do several imprints and several more after Rudy got carried away and painted over everything. 

But it turned out pretty spectacular, in my proud opinion :) 

We also have painted pumpkins, Aunt Maria's birthday present, Halloween pictures, aaaaaaand the pantry floor...

Why?  Why??  Why???

It's like the "Red Paint Incident" only white paint this time and MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more paint...

We keep our paint gallons (i.e. not Rudy's washable paint) in the pantry, on the top shelf.  When working on the bathroom, John took several cans down to reach others and use some left overs and hasn't gotten around to putting them back up.  No big deal, right?  It's not like anyone could open them or anything.  EXCEPT for that fancy gimick lid that I fell for and purchased ("Use it to store and easily pours paint!" ... sounds great, right??).  Turns out it doesn't stay on if knocked over...

John was at work, the kids and I had just finished breakfast and I was working on getting the kitchen picked up.  I must have left the pantry door open (which I try to avoid because Rudy always walks out with some sort of snack or broom/mop/etc at all the wrong times), so of course Rudy was in there playing around.  I hear him say, "Oh no, Mom.  Oh no, Mom. Oh no, Mom."  I turn around from doing dishes and see him shuffling out of the pantry, waist down covered in paint, tracking white paint everywhere with each step.. and Sissy quickly crawled right over and went right through his tracks...

So what do you do?  I quickly stripped us all down, didn't want any more paint on the BRAND NEW fall clothes I had just dressed them both in this morning (!!!!), stuck Avery in her bouncer (which she was NOT happy about), while Rudy and I tried to slop up a gallon of white paint off the pantry floor... all while getting it on everything else in the process...and did I mention we were basically naked??  Thankfully we weren't expecting anyone and the mail man doesn't come until later in the day.  I called John and the conversation went a little like this:

Me (quite angrily):  Any suggestions on how I get up an ENTIRE gallon of white paint off the wood floor?!?!
John (trying to be nice/calm):  Ummm I'd get one of our old towels out...
Me (cutting him off):  I know how to get it up!  I just wanted you to know there is white paint ALL OVER!!!

Of course it's John's fault (isn't everything?! :)).  He should have put that paint away!  ... and I guess I shouldn't have put that stupid lid on it...

I did what I could to get the majority up, with Rudy by my side and Avery crying in her bouncer, and then asked Papa to come over on his lunch break so I could try and finish up.  I didn't want to get chemical stuff out around the kids and Rudy would insist on helping.  I was able to get a lot of it up, but the cracks and grooves are still filled with paint.  I'm too frustrated still to get back at it.  Maybe it will eventually just come up on it's own??  Wishful thinking.  

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